Nomi Bar-Yaacov

Associate Fellow, International Security Programme


Nomi Bar-Yaacov is an associate fellow of the International Security Programme at Chatham House. She is an international negotiator, arbitrator and mediator, and a convenor of Track II negotiations, principally but not exclusively in the Middle East.

Prior to joining Chatham House she was the Head of the Middle East Programme at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). Nomi is a former speechwriter to the UN Secretary General, a former Associate-Spokesperson for the UN Secretary General and a former political adviser in the Executive Office of the UN Secretary General at the organization’s headquarters in New York where she covered the Security Council.

She has also worked as legal adviser to the UN Mission in Haiti, political adviser to the UN Mission in Guatemala, and on elections in Mozambique and South Africa. Nomi also worked as legal adviser to various missions of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in the Balkans, including Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia and in Montenegro.

She has been awarded a number of prestigious awards, including the John T. and Catherine D. MacArthur Research and Writing Grant, a USIP grant, a Ford Foundation grant and a British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) grant.

She is a frequent media commentator on global affairs and geopolitical trends.

Past experience

2005 - International Mediator and Arbitrator; Convenor of Track II negotiations
2008 - Member of the Board of the ACRONYM Institute of Disarmament
2007 - Member of the Consultancy Network of VERTIC
2001 - 05 Visiting Fellow/Senior Staff/Head of the Middle East Conflict Management Programme, International Institute for Strategic Studies, IISS
  Previous experience also includes: Diplomatic Correspondent, AFP; Legal Officer in Balkans, OSCE – ODIHR; Legal/Political Adviser, UN