Lessons in digital defence

How can we ensure effective collective digital defence in a challenging international environment?

Partner and major corporate event Invitation only
11 November 2022 — 9:00AM TO 10:00AM
Chatham House

This event, supported by Microsoft, will reflect on the key trends in cybersecurity and discuss how we can ensure effective collective digital defence in a challenging international environment.

Key questions to discuss include:

  • How has the global cybersecurity threat landscape evolved over the past year?

  • What are the key emerging trends in nation-state threats, cybercrime and cyber influence operations?

  • How can we ensure effective protection against threats to critical infrastructure and cyber-physical systems?

  • Where is there scope to foster greater public and private collaboration to ensure effective digital defence?

  • How can governments coordinate at a multilateral level to strengthen international digital defence?

There will be a breakfast held before the event.

As with all members events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.