Challenges for aid delivery in Afghanistan

What is the role of health service provision in supporting human security?

Research event, Roundtable Invitation only
18 July 2023 — 2:30PM TO 4:00PM
Chatham House

Aid delivery is an acute challenge in fragile and conflict-affected states where the national authorities are not officially recognized.

This represents a serious challenge for donor countries and implementing partners alike. Following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan’s government in 2021, this has become a critical issue for the country and its population.

In collaboration with the international NGO EMERGENCY, this expert roundtable discusses the vital role humanitarian aid can play improving human security in Afghanistan.

This event pays special attention to health service provision: How can it be improved so that public services are more sustainable and resilient and generate community-based livelihoods? And what other measures are needed to help Afghanistan recover and progress?

The discussion considers the political, as well as the humanitarian context, and draws from a range of stakeholder experiences from the country.

This event draws on findings from recent reports by EMERGENCY and Chatham House.

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