Younger generations are already emerging as leaders, bringing hope and energy to environmental struggles. The rest of their careers will be dominated by an unprecedented set of leadership challenges. Net zero and the global restoration of nature must be delivered. Doing so requires winning political struggles and transforming societies.
This will have to be done as the chaotic impacts of the environmental crisis grow. In response, the Cohort 2040 project is seeking to deepen understanding of the challenge facing emerging leaders from the worsening environmental crisis and explore how they can be better able to respond. The project is led by Laurie Laybourn-Langton and is being undertaken through his positions as a visiting fellow at Chatham House and at the Global Systems Institute (GSI), University of Exeter.
This workshop, co-hosted by Chatham House and GSI, will use contemporary examples of chaotic global conditions (or ‘turbulence’) – the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine – to explore principles for effective leadership in a future of deepening environmental crises.