Event attendee behaviour
All event attendees, including those participating remotely, are expected to uphold a high standard of behaviour and to treat other guests, Chatham House members, staff and speakers with courtesy and respect.
Attendees are expected to comply with all reasonable instructions from Chatham House staff or officials appointed by the institute. Chatham House staff are expected to be diligent, professional and courteous at all times. However, if you have a complaint regarding staff behaviour please contact our human resources team.
At every Chatham House event time is made available for the audience to put their questions to the speaker(s). If you intend to ask a question please ensure it is concise and to the point, to provide as many participants as possible with an opportunity to speak.
Aggressive, discriminating, disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate behaviour by any member, guest or other attendee will not be tolerated. In these cases, Chatham House reserves the right to refuse access of the person(s) involved to future events.
Chatham House reserves the right to terminate membership of any individual acting in this way with immediate effect. A right of appeal to the Chair is available to members in this situation.
Chatham House event attendees are not permitted to distribute literature or marketing materials within Chatham House without prior written authorization by the institute.