2.3.1 Land-use change as a driver of habitat loss
Agriculture is the single largest cause of land-use change and habitat destruction, accounting for 80 per cent of all land-use change globally. As land is converted to crop production for human consumption or farmed animal feed, or to clear land for farmed animals to graze, habitat is lost for wild animals, plants and other organisms such as fungi. The greatest loss of intact ecosystems in recent decades has occurred in the tropics, the world’s most biodiverse regions, primarily through the conversion of forests for the production of soy, cattle and palm oil. In just 20 years, from 1980 to 2000, 42 million hectares of tropical forest in Latin America were lost to cattle ranching, while 6 million hectares were lost to palm oil plantations in Southeast Asia.
In some cases, the lost habitat is the only place where a particular species is adapted to live. In others, the lost habitat may not be a species’ exclusive home but is used at certain times of year or at certain stages in the life cycle. Either way, the loss of habitat threatens the population of the species in question. Some species, particularly the largest animals (known as ‘megafauna’), range across very large areas; habitat loss that causes fragmentation of home ranges can lead to a decline in species numbers if, for example, the animals must venture into unsuitable habitats or managed landscapes.
Land-use change from natural to managed habitats always creates a cost to biodiversity because crops or farmed animals dominate the space and use up resources, leaving less of both for wildlife. In addition to wildlife loss through competition for resources and habitat destruction, maintaining managed habitats can incur a direct loss of wildlife – for example, in cases where wild animals are killed in favour of protecting farmed animals from predation or disease.
2.3.2 Food production as a driver of biodiversity loss at multiple scales
Food production systems impact on biodiversity at multiple scales: from localized impacts on farms, to landscape-level and regional impacts, to impacts that are felt globally. There is no single ‘channel’ through which food production and agriculture drive biodiversity loss; instead, there are many and varied ways in which they alter ecosystems, disrupt the usual feeding, breeding or growing patterns of species, and destroy habitat.
In short, the impact of food production on biodiversity arises not from a single fault, but from the nature of the system as a whole (see Figure 4). Impacts at farm and landscape scale
Agriculture by its nature creates monocultures – homogeneous areas covered by a single crop – which replace the heterogeneity of the natural environment. Most agriculture relies on inputs that have spillover effects beyond the farmed area itself. For example, pesticides kill not only identified ‘pests’ but other insects in the vicinity. Fertilizers pollute air and water across wide areas. Intensive, large-scale animal farming entails the raising of large herds on relatively small areas of land, creating volumes of manure that leak nutrients into soils and water courses at scales that become harmful. Ploughing disturbs the soil, liberating carbon into the atmosphere. It exposes soils to erosion by wind and water, damaging nearby water courses.
Homogenization of farmland undermines biodiversity at farm and landscape level in multiple ways. Many animals require different habitats at different times of the day or year (e.g. nesting habitat that is near foraging habitat). Habitat uniformity across space and time undermines the land’s ability to support diverse ecosystems and viable populations of species. As fields are amalgamated, non-cropped areas decrease in size and abundance, and there is less unmanaged habitat to serve as a site for wildlife to shelter, reproduce or forage. Greater use of inputs and increased homogenization reduce biodiversity, both above and below ground; these impacts spill over into rivers, lakes and oceans in multiple ways (see Chapter 5, ‘Technical annex’). Greater homogenization at farm and landscape level also increases agricultural vulnerability to crop losses from pests, disease and climate impacts, thereby contributing to greater use of precautionary measures such as chemical pesticides and genetic crop modifications.
The impacts of farming techniques on biodiversity depend on the scale and intensity at which they are practiced. Given that habitat uniformity is a key driver of biodiversity loss, farms with smaller fields are often associated with higher biodiversity. This is especially true for farms where different fields are managed for different crops or farmed animals. Many agro-ecological farming systems – such as organic farming – are inherently more diverse, relying on rotations and mixed farming. Looking at the different types of farms and farming systems, there is often an inverse association between farming yields and biodiversity. Greater yields typically arise from greater intensification: increased planting density, increased use of machinery, increased use of inputs (particularly synthetic ones), and increased specialization. In general, intensification reduces biodiversity. Some innovative agro-ecological approaches aim to maximize yields and minimize the impact on biodiversity. However, in general the yield–biodiversity relationship means that nature-friendly farming systems tend to be lower-yielding than intensive farming systems (a review of the data most available worldwide suggests that organic yields may be, on average, 75 per cent those of conventional intensive systems). Impacts at regional and global scale
The impacts of food production on biodiversity are not limited to farm and landscape scale. Through a number of channels, food production in one location can lead to negative outcomes for biodiversity in faraway locations. These impact channels can be grouped into three categories: physical channels, where pollutants from farms are carried long distances by air or along waterways; biological channels, where impacts on one species or population prompt changes in other species or populations; and market channels, where changes to agricultural practices in one location may, through market dynamics, drive biodiversity-damaging practices in other locations.
Physical impact channels
Synthetic fertilizers and manure are both sources of air pollution in the form of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonium (NH₃). NOx are important GHGs. They contribute to global climate change, and together NOx and NH₃ help create secondary particulate matter (PM), which contributes to poor air quality and smog. Poor air quality may not always directly affect biodiversity, but increased concentrations of nitrogen in the atmosphere can be deposited in rain, causing ecosystem changes as a result of nutrient enrichment, rendering soils more acidic and degrading the environment for many species. Indeed, some analysts have suggested that excess nitrogen deposition is the third-largest global threat to biodiversity after land-use change and climate change.
In periods of rain, excess nutrients and sediment from poorly managed soils can wash into rivers. This run-off can be carried rapidly over long distances, accumulating to levels that yield drastic effects on biodiversity and the stability of distant ecosystems. Overloading waterways with nutrients – a process called ‘eutrophication’ – leads to the proliferation of algae which cover the water surface and essentially suffocate the aquatic or marine life beneath. Modifications to waterways to support agriculture, such as damming and channelization to aid irrigation, exacerbate these impacts. At the same time, irrigation through the abstraction of water from groundwater flows potentially threatens the viability of aquatic populations that depend on such flows.
While land-use change, primarily for agriculture, has been the principal driver of biodiversity loss since pre-industrial times, climate change is becoming an increasingly important factor.
At the global level, food production contributes significantly to biodiversity loss by driving climate change. When taking into account the emissions associated with (1) agriculture, (2) land-use change for agriculture, and (3) the processing and transporting of food, the food system accounts for roughly 30 per cent of all anthropogenic emissions (Table 1). Animal agriculture contributes disproportionately to this total, accounting for 16.5 per cent of GHGs. It is also the biggest contributor to two of the three major sources of anthropogenic GHG emissions: methane (accounting for 44 per cent of emissions) and nitrous oxide (53 per cent of emissions).
While land-use change, primarily for agriculture, has been the principal driver of biodiversity loss since pre-industrial times, climate change is becoming an increasingly important factor. Rising global temperatures are changing habitat suitability throughout the world, and prompting the movement of suitable habitats for particular species to different regions: towards the poles for many organisms; up elevation gradients in mountainous areas; or towards deeper waters for aquatic species. As the climate changes, and their habitat moves, species either move with it or risk extinction. As a result of species needing to track a changing climate, and owing to the fact that different groups of species move at different rates, climate change is rewiring entire ecosystems. Many species are now found in areas in which they were not previously present – creating new competition and conflict between species – while other species are disappearing. More broadly, climate change is prompting a series of perturbations to weather patterns and landscapes, undermining the functionality of ecosystems on which human societies depend.