Our funding

Chatham House benefits from a wide range of philanthropic, research-related and membership support. This diversity of global support is critical to the independence of the institute.

Chatham House is a registered charity in England and Wales (charity number 208223) and a non-profit organization. The institute has been granted foreign 501(c)3 equivalency status with the United States Internal Revenue Service.

Funding guidelines and principles

To safeguard the continuing independence and objectivity of its research, events, publications and other outputs, Chatham House staff and its Council uphold the principles of integrity, independence, objectivity and accountability in accepting any funds. This approach ensures that all of our activities contribute to the institute’s mission and public benefit obligation. 

The institute receives no subsidy from the UK government or any other source and adheres to the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice.

Fundraising complaints

Chatham House is committed to delivering the highest standards in fundraising practice. If you have a concern or complaint about our fundraising, you can write to us at the following address:

Complaints to Council
c/o Director’s Office
Chatham House
10 St James’s Square
London SW1Y 4LE

We undertake to respond in confidence and within 12 weeks. We will also provide information on how to appeal if you are not satisfied with our response. The institute cannot process anonymous complaints.

If you have a general query regarding our funding, please email us.

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