Neil Morisetti

Associate Fellow, Environment and Society Centre


Neil joined University College London in 2014 and is currently the Vice Dean (Public Policy) for the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, and Professor of Climate and Resource Security in the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy.

Prior to that he worked for the UK government, as an officer in the Royal Navy, where appointments included, Commander UK Maritime Forces and Commandant of the Joint Services Command and Staff College, and subsequently in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Between 2009 - 2013 he acted as the UK Government Climate and Energy Security Envoy and then the Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative for Climate Change.

A graduate of the University of East Anglia (Environmental Sciences), he is an associate fellow of Chatham House, a member of the military advisory board for the US think tank CNA (Washington, DC), and an international fellow of the Australian Security Leaders Climate Group.

Vew a list of publications

Past experience

2016 - present Vice dean (public policy), Faculty of Engineering Sciences, UCL
2013 UK Foreign Secretary‘s Special Representative for Climate Change
2009-12 UK Government Climate and Energy Security Envoy