The Chair of Chatham House, Sir Nigel Sheinwald, will now lead the search for Dr Niblett’s successor on behalf of the Council. Dr Niblett will remain in post as Director during this process.
For more than a century Chatham House has been one of the most trusted venues in the world for convening high-level policy debates and private discussions on international affairs. Since Dr Niblett’s appointment in 2007, the institute has also successfully rebuilt its research capacity, growing to 200 full-time staff and 140 Associate Fellows in the process.
In recent years, Chatham House has undertaken ground-breaking research on climate risks, sustainable resource management and global health, and on the drivers of conflict in the Middle East and prospects for political and economic reform in sub-Saharan Africa.
Its International Affairs journal was ranked first in the world in 2021 and its Journal of Cyber Policy is offering new insights into pathways to effective digital governance.
Future research will also focus on how the world will respond to US-China strategic competition and the UK’s future international role.
In addition, the institute has transformed its physical and digital infrastructure and launched a series of new initiatives to engage the next generation who will be so important to the institute’s and the world’s future.
Robin Niblett said: ‘I have been enormously privileged to lead Chatham House for almost 15 years and through its centenary in 2020, I believe this is the right moment for someone new to take up the institute’s leadership.
Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Chair of the Council of Chatham House said: ‘Robin will step down as Director with a remarkable record.
‘By strengthening the institute’s research capacity and infrastructure, he has ensured that Chatham House will remain one of the most trusted brands and venues in the world for debate, analysis and ideas on international affairs. He leaves a very strong platform on which to build.’