Updated on 12 October 2022
What is deglobalization?
Deglobalization is a movement towards a less connected world, characterized by powerful nation states, local solutions, and border controls rather than global institutions, treaties, and free movement.
Is the world in a period of deglobalization?
Some consider the world to have entered a period of deglobalization, citing recent events such as Brexit, Trumpism, the Ukraine war, problems with supply chains, the global energy crisis and the past decade’s decline in foreign direct investment (whereby residents of one country invest long-term in another country’s economy).
But it would be wrong to say the world is definitively in a period of deglobalization. Phenomena such as the COVID-19 pandemic, international crime, and climate change demonstrate the continuing relevance of global collaboration and interconnectivity.
It is better to understand the question as one of balance between globalizing and deglobalizing forces. It is fair to say that in the West today, unlike the 1990s, the scales have tipped towards greater suspicion of globalized approaches.
A surge in populist politics in Europe and the US has ridden a wave of opposition to globalized economies and international institutions such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and NATO. Leaving the European Union (EU) is written into the constitutions of populist parties in countries such as Poland and Hungary.
International organizations have seen their reputations suffer, either condemned as too powerful or too weak. The World Health Organization (WHO) struggled to drive an efficient response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in large part due to uncooperative governments.
The United Nations (UN), founded after the Second World War to save ‘succeeding generations from the scourge of war’ was unable to come up with an adequate response to Russia’s war against Ukraine. The organization is widely viewed as weak and deadlocked, and populist movements tend to ridicule the notion of belonging to an international community of nations.
Evidence of deglobalization taking place
Perhaps the greatest evidence of deglobalization taking place is in the current political imagination of both democracies and authoritarian states.
During recent election campaigns in the US and Germany, climate change – an inescapably international issue - was discussed as a national challenge with mitigation and adaptation efforts characterized as national opportunities.
In China, globalized infrastructure such as the internet is heavily restricted and recast as a tool heavily controlled by the national government, with ‘the great firewall’ turning the free flow of information into an incredibly effective method of political control.
Increasingly policymakers struggle to articulate an appropriate balance between global and local solutions. How much should international trade in goods and service be curbed or facilitated? How can the global climate change challenge be met by competing, sometimes hostile nations? How is migration to be managed and its push factors adequately addressed? How are wars and conflict to be managed? To what extent should responses to health emergencies be dealt with by international organizations?
This effect on the political imagination inevitably has a knock-on effect on the trade and financial flows that underpin global trade, weakening confidence in the safety of international investments.
When was the last period of deglobalization?
Some economists argue there has been a previous period of deglobalization.
The theory argues that a period of globalization followed the end of the Napoleonic wars in the 19th century, lasting to the beginning of World War One. This was then followed by a period of deglobalization which lasted until the early 1950s. This, in turn, was followed by the most recent, highly intensive period of globalization.
However, this implies deglobalization was the dominant force from 1910-1950 but the Great Depression, taking place in the 1930s, could not have happened without globalized financial flows.
Benefits of deglobalization
It is difficult to argue deglobalizing forces are inherently bad because there are issues which may be best handled domestically. The COVID-19 pandemic illustrates the danger of relying on global supply chains for essential medical supplies, while climate change demands reductions in the enormous carbon footprint of international trade.
And globalization also contains inherent disadvantages, leading to the emergence of unaccountable world monopolies such as Amazon – which has benefitted tremendously from the pandemic – and worsening income inequality, both between and within countries.
However, a deglobalizing approach does not offer clear solutions for dealing with these issues. A national government’s attempt to regulate Amazon or Google will not be strengthened in isolation, and developing nations cannot be more fairly represented in global trade without worldwide, enforceable trade standards.