Acronyms and Abbreviations
ACDS Arctic Chiefs of Defence Staff
ACGF Arctic Coast Guard Forum
AMEC Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation
ASRF Arctic Security Forces Roundtable
ASW anti-submarine warfare
ATV all-terrain vehicle
AZRF Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
BAEC Barents Euro-Arctic Council
CBM confidence-building measure
CoE Centre of Excellence
CSBM confidence- and security-building measure
EEZ exclusive economic zone
EW electronic warfare
FPZ fisheries protection zone
FSB Federal Security Service
GIN Greenland–Iceland–Norway
GIUK Greenland–Iceland–United Kingdom
GPV Russian state armament programme
INCSEA Incidents at Sea Agreement
ISR intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
ISTAR intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance
IUSS Integrated Undersea Surveillance System
JEF Joint Expeditionary Force
JFC-N Joint Force Command Norfolk
LNG liquefied natural gas
MBT main battle tank
MRO maintenance, repair and overhaul
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NORDEFCO Nordic Defence Cooperation
NSR Northern Sea Route
OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
SAR search and rescue
SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile
SLOC sea lines of communication
SOSUS Sound Surveillance System
SSBN nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarine
SSGN nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine
SSN nuclear-powered attack submarine
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
VDV Airborne Assault Troops
VJTF Very High Readiness Joint Task Force