This paper is the result of more than a year of dialogue and research, and has benefited from the engagement of a wide range of EITI stakeholders and external experts. The themes addressed by the paper were initially scoped out at a side event at the EITI Global Conference 2019, held in Paris in June of that year, which was attended by well over 100 EITI stakeholders. The process also included an expert workshop held a Chatham House in January 2020, which brought together more than 40 EITI stakeholders and energy and climate experts, and a special session on energy transition at the EITI Board Strategy Retreat in Oslo in February 2020. While the individual contributions are too numerous to mention, the author is grateful to all those who participated.
Special thanks are due to EITI Chair Rt Hon Helen Clark and to the EITI Board for their support for this project, and to Mark Robinson, Ines Marques-Scholberg and their colleagues at the EITI International Secretariat for their continued support and advice. Particular thanks go to those board members who participated in early research discussions, including Erica Westenburg, Simon Taylor, Cosmas Ochieng, Marte Briseid, Dominic Emery, Stuart Brooks and Richard Morgan. Thanks also to the three anonymous peer reviewers, and to Erica Westenburg, Patrick Heller, Mark Campanale, Lisa Guenther, Omar Mohammed, Maryati Abdullah, Waziri Adio, Harro van Asselt, Glada Lahn, Valérie Marcel and Paul Stevens for their comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this paper.
Thanks also go to Tim Benton for strategic oversight, Glada Lahn for support and advice, Iseoluwa Akintunde for research assistance, Charlotte Watts for project coordination, Vera Chapman Browne and Jo Maher for editing, and Ian Blenkinsop at Soapbox for design work.
This project was made possible thanks to financial support from EITI. However, the views contained within this paper are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect the funder’s position or policies.
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