5.1.2 Impacts at landscape scale
The discussion above has focused broadly on what farming does to wildlife at the field and farm scale – through immediate impacts from tillage, grazing, nutrients and other chemical inputs, and farm specialization. Looking at the issue at landscape scale allows analysis of the additional impacts that arise from larger, more uniform agriculture across multiple farms in a given setting. As discussed in the literature, the impact of an intensive farm in a landscape of semi-natural habitat is very different from the impact of the same farm in a landscape of uniform monoculture. Reduced landscape heterogeneity
Agricultural expansion and intensification have simplified once-complex landscapes, causing habitat loss and fragmentation and reducing biodiversity among plants, insects and animals. Decreasing landscape heterogeneity by switching to single crop production over large areas, as well as removing buffers between farms, depletes breeding habitats and important food sources for many different organisms (including birds, butterflies and spiders). Often, the lost or depleted habitats served as refugia for species, providing habitat ‘corridors’ that facilitated movements across a landscape. The ability to continue to move across landscapes in this way is increasingly important as climate change affects the areas over which species can range – necessitating, generally, a move towards the poles or higher altitudes. Additionally, large-scale intensive farming often removes or reduces numbers of generalist consumer and predator species important for maintaining the stability of ecosystems. Interactions between the remaining components of the simplified food web cause greater variation in species’ population sizes, leading to enhanced risks of local extinctions, further reducing the resilience of the overall system. As a result, we can see many other species declining in abundance or being extirpated from heavily farmed areas, and these regions becoming more susceptible to pest outbreaks as a consequence. Disruption of ecosystem services
Food production adversely affects a variety of taxa that play important functional roles in their ecosystems, including providing supporting ‘ecosystem services’ to agriculture. When agricultural yields increase as a result of more intensive farming, this in turn causes biodiversity losses that negatively affect the land’s yield potential (see Chapter 2 and Figure 3). For example, pollinators have suffered drastic declines in regions around the world, with intensive agricultural practices representing a major threat. Fertilizer use, intensive tillage, heavy use of pesticides, crop monocultures and high grazing/mowing intensity all dramatically reduce the size and diversity of pollinator communities – there is no single or simple relationship between a single practice and biodiversity decline.
Locally, the species richness of pollinators declines with repeated pesticide application; but, importantly, these patterns are consistent across whole regions. In regions with more intensive pesticide applications, there is far lower species diversity of bumblebees and butterflies. Winged pollinators such as bees are capable of pollinating large areas of land, but actions such as pesticide use on one farm can have implications for entire regions. Moreover, despite many pollinators’ wide dispersal abilities, native habitats remain crucial for maintaining pollination on agricultural lands. Additionally, the simplification of habitats on a landscape scale causes mismatches between plant and pollinator functional and phylogenetic associations, suggesting the potential for large-scale changes to ecosystem functionality. Both pesticide use and isolation from natural habitats cause declines in visitation by flying pollinators, although even small patches of native flowers distributed across a landscape have been shown to mediate the effect of isolation, for example in large mango orchards in South Africa.
Monocultures and pesticide use make whole regions more susceptible to pest outbreaks, further diminishing nature’s ability to provide a buffer against shocks. As discussed previously, invertebrates such as spiders and beetles, as well as insectivorous bird species, act as important predators for pest control. Declines in these ecological roles are happening due to local land use and modifications, although some research suggests that habitat heterogeneity on a landscape scale is even more important than local action for pest control. Even without crop rotations, habitat complexity across a landscape can significantly improve pest control by predators and parasitoids, and potentially by pollinators as well. This highlights the findings of Knapp and Řezáč. However, it also suggests that on-farm decisions may be insufficient to ensure the maintenance of important ecosystem functions if the whole landscape is not managed properly, given that the spatial scale of pest control depends on the natural predators present in agro-ecosystems and their dispersal abilities as well as their functional traits.
Farming has been identified as potentially the largest threat to bird populations worldwide. A recent study showed that agriculture in Costa Rica has caused long-term changes to bird communities. Declines in all major guilds were seen, including birds important for pest control, pollination and seed dispersal. Furthermore, these structural shifts led to increases in community similarity and decreases in resilience to climatic events. These results were especially apparent in intensively farmed areas, suggesting that diversified agricultural land uses (i.e. those that maintain some natural land) could lessen the burden of agricultural development on biodiversity. Nutrient pollution at catchment level
Pollution from excess nutrients washing off farmland – known as eutrophication – affects streams and pools adjacent to agricultural lands. The effects can be dispersed downstream into lakes and coastal zones, leading to toxic algal blooms and hypoxic dead zones. As rivers and streams are modified for faster drainage and lower maintenance (i.e. through channelization) and wetlands are developed into productive agricultural land, the natural capacity of ecosystems to deal with excess nutrients and chemicals is being lost. Natural land cover within agricultural catchments is becoming increasingly important as more land is developed and more fertilizers are applied to croplands. There is likely to be a threshold level of natural land cover (e.g. wetlands, woodlots and grasslands) in these catchments that is needed to buffer against increases in dissolved organic carbon and nutrients in streams associated with hydrological patterns (i.e. flood events). As estimated by Fasching et al., the threshold of natural land cover is likely to be around 30–40 per cent, below which hydrological events can significantly increase nutrient run-off. Pesticides from farmland can also leach into nearby waterways and have negative impacts on aquatic communities both locally and downstream. Various chemicals, especially pesticides, affect the physiology of aquatic animals, increase chances of infections, hamper reproduction, and thus bring changes in the composition of whole ecosystems. Once again, these patterns highlight the importance of native landscape heterogeneity for maintaining ecosystem functioning and resilience.
5.1.3 Impacts at regional and global scale
The spatial spread of environmental impacts can occur in many ways: agriculture in one place influences biodiversity in others. The mechanisms can consist of physical effects (e.g. pollution carried by air or water) or biological effects (the enhancement, or depression, of populations in one location creating spillover effects as individuals move). The spread of environmental impacts is also a function of global GHG emissions from agriculture, which change the availability and quality of habitat worldwide. A final route for regional and global impacts is through markets: demand for food in one place can incentivize agricultural intensification or land-use conversion in other distant places. Pollution of rivers and regional-scale impacts
Rivers and streams can be thought of as transport systems that connect ecosystems across a landscape. Nutrients and sediment from agricultural run-off can rapidly be carried long distances, particularly via waterways, and can accumulate and have drastic effects on the biodiversity and stability of distant ecosystems. The prevalence of waterway modifications such as damming and channelization, along with land-use changes for food production, means that nutrient and biological flows between ecosystems are being changed drastically. The magnitude of nutrient flows from urban and agricultural development into ecosystems is increasing. Moreover, the rates at which nutrients are carried between ecosystems are also increasing due to alterations to river and stream morphology.
As well as acting as a transport network for pollutants or sediments, the aquatic environment constitutes a crucial habitat for significant biodiversity, and is sensitive to the amount of water as well as its quality. Irrigation, through abstracting water from groundwater flows, has the potential to reduce such flows to the extent that ecology is affected, in effect interrupting the minimum ‘environmental flow’ necessary to sustain a given ecosystem. Prolonged or frequent examples of low or zero groundwater flows can lead to significantly changed biodiversity. Currently, about 40 per cent of irrigation comes at the expense of environmental flows. Furthermore, water transfer schemes (designed to carry water from a place of excess to a place of need) can significantly alter local aquatic habitats, threatening their inherent biodiversity. Currently, less than one-fifth of the world’s pre-industrial freshwater wetlands remain; this proportion is projected to decline to under one-tenth by mid-century. Climate change, alongside growing demands for fresh water for direct human use and agriculture, is changing hydrological flows as well as the way in which nutrients are assimilated into ecosystems. This makes it even more important to consider the connectivity between ecosystems and the distant impacts of food production systems.
The link between agricultural run-off and downstream algal blooms and dead zones around the world is becoming increasingly clear. However, we are beginning to see that food production can have even more distant, and often unexpected, impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem stability. For example, Wang et al. recently found that deforestation and agricultural development in the Amazon River basin appear to be fuelling Sargassum seaweed blooms in the tropical Atlantic. The Amazon carries nutrients to the ocean, where currents circulate them, and massive blooms are formed where they accumulate. This results in a massive mat of dense seaweed that is no longer habitable for many species, and that washes ashore throughout the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, where it can cause further ecological and environmental problems. At their peak densities, these Sargassum blooms have been shown to stretch across the Atlantic, from the Caribbean to West Africa. Air pollution
Both synthetic fertilizers and manure can pollute the air with ammonia and nitrous oxide. Synthetic fertilizers are typically urea or ammonium nitrate. In wet soils, denitrifying bacteria break down nitrates into nitrogen oxides (NOx), leading to emissions of these GHGs. Fertilizers also release ammonium (NH₃), a process termed volatilization. On average, worldwide, 18 per cent of applied N fertilizer (and up to a maximum of 64 per cent) was lost as NH₃ up to 2016. Together, NOx and NH₃ help create secondary particulate matter (PM), which contributes to poor air quality and smog.
Poor air quality directly affects some biodiversity (for example, lichens are particularly sensitive to NOx), but the increased nitrogen in the atmosphere can also be deposited in rain, leading to nutrient enrichment that has effects similar to the eutrophication of water discussed above (excess nitrogen affects biodiversity through direct toxicity, soil acidification, nutrient imbalances and interspecific competition). Indeed, some authors have suggested that excess nitrogen deposition is the third-largest global threat to biodiversity after land-use change and climate change.
The impact of pesticide drift through the air is not proportionate to the large scale at which nitrogen can be transported around the world. Nonetheless, particularly from aerial applications (by drones and planes), pesticides can drift up to 300 metres from the target. Clearly, this has the potential to affect non-target organisms and, in highly fragmented areas (where habitat patches are small), impact on species viability in a locality. Changes to population processes
Biodiversity is a measure of what lives in a locality, and its genetic composition. However, biodiversity in a given locality can also depend on what is happening elsewhere. Many species migrate seasonally, so the persistence of a population in one place may depend on the conditions in another during a different season. For example, the migratory monarch butterfly (which travels between Mexico and northeast America) is declining in population size. A recent study examined the relative roles of three separate factors in this decline: (1) habitat loss in the monarch butterfly’s breeding grounds in northeast America; (2) habitat loss in its overwintering grounds in Mexico; and (3) extreme weather (driven by climate change). The authors concluded that ‘recent population declines stem from reduction in milkweed host plants in the United States that arise from increasing adoption of genetically modified crops and land-use change, not from climate change or degradation of forest habitats in Mexico’. In other words, agriculture in one place (in this case, displacing host plants on butterfly breeding grounds in the US) can lead to biodiversity decline in another place through population reduction of a migratory species (in this case, reduced breeding in the US results in fewer butterflies migrating to Mexico).
At the same time, biodiversity loss can arise from agriculture through enhancement of the populations of some species at the expense of others. The coastal Arctic wetlands – hundreds of kilometres away from any agricultural development – serve as breeding grounds for populations of migratory geese and have been completely transformed in recent decades. Due to increases in agricultural production in the US, where the geese overwinter, breeding populations have increased so much that they have radically altered their fragile breeding habitats: overgrazing and overfertilization have turned salt marshes into hypersaline mudflats, which may be a difficult state to recover from.
Agricultural management can also boost populations of organisms that have negative impacts on local populations, through the introduction of pests and diseases that then spread from their introductory sites. One example is the prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica), widely used for its fruit and also widely foraged, which is a highly invasive cactus that alters local ecosystems in many areas of the world.
Attempts to control pests, whether plants or animals, through the introduction of predators have sometimes had unintended consequences. For example, in the mid-1930s cane toads were introduced in Australia to suppress a beetle pest of sugar cane. The cane toads have since spread, covering a large area of the country’s northeast coastal fringes. Cane toads directly affect local ecology by eating native plants and competing with native animals, and, because they are poisonous, kill their predators indirectly. This contributes to a cascade of impacts across trophic levels: large, anurophagous (toad-eating) snakes (which are apex predators) die, releasing ecological space that allows increases in mammal-eating meso-predatory snakes. Where cane toads are common, native mammals disappear.
It is not just terrestrial agriculture that has been responsible for such problems. Aquaculture also has a significant track record of perturbing biodiversity, through the introduction of alien species (both fish and feed plants) and pests (such as sea lice, which escape from salmon cages and affect the viability of local populations). Iconic examples of escapes/introductions include tilapia and Nile perch, which have subsequently altered ecosystems across the world via changes in competitive interactions. From a biodiversity perspective, perhaps the most impactful change has been the extinction cascade of species ‘swarms’ of endemic cichlids – perhaps over 500 species died out in Lake Victoria following the introduction of Nile perch.
In aquaculture, another form of biodiversity impact occurs through genetic integration: where escaped farmed animals, with different genetic traits, breed with native ‘wild-type’ species, thereby potentially undermining the genetic integrity of native animals. In a recent study, significant rates of genetic integration were found, reducing the fitness of wild salmon in many rivers in Norway.
Genetic pollution – gene introgression – can also occur from crop plants into wild populations. A recent study of rice, for example, showed that gene introgression altered the genetic structure of wild relatives of the crops in surrounding populations, creating a challenge wherever crop plants are grown in proximity to wild species with which they can breed. In this case, ‘proximity’ can mean quite large distances: maize pollen can be detected more than 4 km from the nearest maize fields, so the risks of gene introgression in natural populations are not merely about close exposure between genetically modified and wild plants. Land-use change and teleconnections: market connectivity across space
Another way in which agriculture in one place can affect biodiversity in others is through market linkages, a process called ‘teleconnection’. The term is borrowed from climate science, where it is used to indicate when weather in different places is affected by the same underlying climatic cause. Teleconnections in food emerge from globalized supply chains, where food consumed in a given country is often a combination of local and overseas production. Imagine, for example, that a country decides to conserve its own biodiversity by making agricultural production more environmentally friendly. Moves towards wildlife-friendly farming (e.g. agro-ecological or organic farming) typically come with a cost to productivity as farming intensity is scaled down. If total demand for food in the focal country does not change, yet local agricultural production declines because of biodiversity-friendly farming, price signals will incentivize intensification (or ‘extensification’, i.e. expansion of land use) somewhere else, and demand will be filled through global trade. This potentially leads to a biodiversity saving in one place but a biodiversity cost in another. For example, in 2010 it was calculated that if the EU increased the amount of organic farmland to 20 per cent of all cropland, then overall agricultural yields would decline by an amount that would require more than 10 million hectares of land outside the EU to be used to support food consumption in the EU. This implies a biodiversity cost as agriculture is intensified or as previously unfarmed land is brought into production. The cost could be even higher if production occurs in places with both significantly higher intrinsic biodiversity than the EU and weaker biodiversity governance: the result would be an overall net negative impact on global biodiversity. Climate change’s global impacts
The food system is a major source of global GHG emissions, contributing significantly to climate change. In its special report on climate change and land, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated that the food system contributes around 30 per cent of all anthropogenic emissions, when emissions associated with agriculture, land-use change for agriculture, and the processing and transporting of food are all taken into account. This figure is consistent with the most detailed compilation of life-cycle assessments associated with the food system.
While land-use change, mostly driven by agriculture, has been the principal driver of biodiversity loss since pre-industrial times, the 2019 global assessment by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) highlights the role of climate change as an increasingly important determinant of biodiversity:
Climate change is altering habitat suitability throughout the world. As a first approximation, the area in which a species lives is determined both by the suitability of its physical habitat and by a climatic envelope (which may directly affect an organism’s ability to live there by, for example, exposing it to high temperatures; or indirectly affect an organism’s ability to live there by affecting its predators, parasites or food). As climate changes, the envelope of suitable climate is expected to move in several ways: (1) towards the poles for many organisms; (2) up an elevation gradient in mountainous areas; or (3) towards deeper waters for aquatic species. Species either move as the climate changes or they risk extinction as the weather changes in their historically suitable habitat. On average, for a variety of species of agricultural pests, the rate of movement over the past 50 years or so has been about 3 km per year.
As a result of the need for species’ movements to track a changing climate, and the fact that different groups of species move at different rates, climate change is rewiring entire ecosystems. The result is increasing introductions and losses of species. At a theoretical level, this amounts to a series of perturbations that decrease a system’s resilience. For example, climate change makes aquatic systems more susceptible to nutrient-driven algal blooms and dead zones. It may also alter the phenology of plants/pollinators and change or restructure consumer–resource interactions (e.g. between insects and pollen) that are simultaneously affected by agriculture. Similarly, weather changes associated with climate change affect the linkages between whole ecosystems (for example, between fields, streams and lakes/oceans), with the transfer of nutrients from one place to the next particularly impacted. As highlighted in the IPBES quote above, all these climate change impacts will have compounding effects in conjunction with other major drivers of biodiversity loss associated with agriculture – such as land-use change and intensification of food production – and will thus act as threat multipliers. Interactions with aquatic food production systems
Interconnections within the food system mean that many of the factors we discuss – including supply and demand drivers, pressures on the food system and ecological effects – are intertwined in numerous and complex ways. Actions targeted at one sector or place can have ripple effects on other sectors or places. For example, changes in demand for land-based and water-based food products affect each other: reducing the demand for animal products to improve terrestrial environmental outcomes might increase demand for fish protein, with negative marine environmental outcomes. Blanchard et al. discuss the difficulties of combining marine and terrestrial food production sectors and ecosystems within strategies for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals that are focused on food, biodiversity and climate change. However, they note that an effective formula is needed if progress is to be achieved in sustainably meeting increasing global demand for food and ensuring food security. There is a growing need to recognize the links and interdependencies between fisheries, aquaculture and the agricultural components of the global food system as more food is required and diets change. Similarly, there are feedbacks within this cycle. Some feedbacks may be obvious in terms of the ecological services both required for and degraded by food production, but feedbacks such as climate change may also have important long-term implications. The current food system is contributing significantly to global GHG emissions, and therefore to climate change. At the same time, the resilience of this system to shocks and impacts from climate change is being degraded. Some countries are likely to face increased uncertainties in both fisheries and agriculture due to climate change impacts, so it is important to ensure supply chains equitably distribute food around the world.
5.2 Options for implementing food system redesign in support of biodiversity
As discussed in the main chapters of this paper, three broad levers exist for altering the relationship between food systems and biodiversity in favour of biodiversity. The first is to reduce the pressure on land by changing patterns in demand for food – including encouraging people to move to more plant-based diets. The second is to set aside land for nature, as unmanaged ecosystems are inherently more biodiverse than managed ecosystems. The third is to adopt more nature-friendly farming systems. The more the first option is taken up in the form of dietary change, the more scope there is for the second and third options.
5.2.1 Demand-side changes to relieve pressure on land
The potential for more sustainable diets to drive changes in agriculture has been highlighted in numerous analyses in the past years. The essence of the argument is that (a) on average we produce more food than we need per capita; that (b) different foods have different environmental footprints; and therefore that (c) if we all ate a diet consisting of the right amount of low-footprint food for a healthy diet (not wasting or overeating), it would significantly reduce total demand for food (notwithstanding the fact that some communities would need to eat more food to lead healthy lives). In theory, if the totality of food demand were reduced, it would significantly reduce the pressures on land, allowing more land to be protected for nature and/or the intensity of farming to be reduced.
In 2011, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published an influential report which stated: ‘Roughly one-third of the edible parts of food produced for human consumption gets lost or wasted globally, which is about 1.3 billion tons per year.’ Since 2011, considerable effort around the world has been made to improve this statistic. So far, while countries and food systems vary, the figure of 20–30 per cent loss and wastage is taken as a reasonable consensus. A recent academic analysis concluded the following: