Donors to Chatham House

This list is based on income recognized in the financial year ending 31 March 2022.

Research activities in 2021/22 were supported by contributions from sources including governmental departments and agencies, private foundations and companies from around the world.

This support includes research grants for specific projects, event sponsorship, or core support to a research department, programme or centre.

The institute receives income in the form of membership subscriptions from its approximately 3000+ individual members and 300+ corporate members comprising private companies, governmental departments, embassies and high commissions, universities and academic institutions, media organizations and NGOs.

Individual donors provide philanthropic donations towards Chatham House’s activities.

Regular conferences and flagship annual events, including the Chatham House Prize and London Conference, bring income from delegate fees and sponsorship.

Income from publications comprises primarily royalties from the International Affairs journal and subscriptions to The World Today.

The institute receives some income from investments and from miscellaneous sources.

A pie chart showing Chatham House funders

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List of donors

The list below incorporates grants for research projects and discretionary contributions to research departments; support to the Queen Elizabeth II Academy and its fellowship positions; event sponsorship and delegate fees; corporate membership dues; and philanthropic donations to the institute, including endowment and capital gifts.

Where relevant, the list combines multiple donations from the same organization to show their total contribution to the institute’s recognized income over the year.


* The Chatham House Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt charity registered in the United States in 1982. The Foundation is a separate legal entity to Chatham House and has its own board of trustees. It makes grants to Chatham House under its objectives which are to promote the study of international affairs and to bring to an American audience the type of rigorous analysis, independent speakers and members events developed by Chatham House. 

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Chatham House: Climate relevant funding

The health and sustainability of the planet is central to Chatham House’s mission.

Since the COP 26 Climate Summit, Chatham House has adopted a more restrictive approach towards funding from oil and gas companies.

Chatham House currently accepts funding from oil and gas companies for some operational activities and membership. However, Chatham House does not accept funding from the sector for either conferences or public events, or for the Environment and Society Centre.

Chatham House will not undertake research and events that aim to encourage fossil fuel extraction. For our investment portfolio, Chatham House limits investment in fossil fuels to 3%. Please see here for Chatham House’s Principles for Independent Research and Convening.

Funding from the tobacco industry

Chatham House does not accept funding from the tobacco industry. The institute took this decision in accordance with its funding guidelines Principles for Independent Research and Convening and in light of the United Nations Compact on Tobacco. 

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