Corporate members

View the list of our current corporate members by category of membership.

Updated December 2024


BP plc
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Chevron Ltd
Clifford Chance LLP
Crescent Petroleum
Eni S.p.A.
European Commission
ExxonMobil Corporation
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK
HSBC Holdings plc
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
JETRO London

Koç Holding
MAVA Foundation
McKinsey & Company
Ministry of Defence, UK
Open Society Foundations
Reliance Industries Limited
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Shell plc
Stavros Niarchos Foundation



Major corporate members

A&O Shearman
Apis Partners
BAE Systems plc
Baillie Gifford & Co
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Boston Consulting Group
British Army
Brown Advisory
City of London
CLP Holdings Limited
Decision Support Center (DSC)
Deloitte LLP
Deltroit Asset Management 
Department for Business and Trade, UK
Findlay Park Partners LLP
Gilead Sciences
Huawei Technologies
Integra Capital
Investcorp International Ltd
Invexans Limited
Japan Bank for International Cooperation

Mesarete Capital LLP
Mitsubishi Corporation
Moderna UK
Moody’s Corporation
National Gas
Northrop Grumman
Pfizer Inc 
Rio Tinto plc
S&P Global
Shiprock Capital Management 
Silver Lake Partners
Teck Resources Limited - UK
The Economist
Tobias Jones Consulting
Vodafone Group
Willis Towers Watson
Zhong Lun Law Firm


Standard corporate members

Abt Britain
Anglo American plc
APCO Worldwide
Argus Media
Astraea Group
Auriga Global Investors, SV, S.A.
BancTrust & Co. Investment Bank
Bank of England
Bank of Japan
Bates Wells Braithwaite
Bayer AG
BBC Monitoring
BDT & Company International, LLP
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd
Bland Group Ltd
BritishAmerican Business
British Council, The
Brunswick Group
Cabinet Office, UK
Canning House
Casey Family Programs
Charles River Associates
Chemonics International
CNOOC International
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Commonwealth Secretariat
Covington & Burling LLP
CRU International Ltd
Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP
D Group
DAC Beachcroft
Dai-ichi Life International (Europe) Ltd
Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
DBJ Europe Limited
DBRS Ratings Limited
De Beers Group Services UK Ltd
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Department for Science, Innovation & Technology, UK
Egon Zehnder
Elliott Advisors
Energy Intelligence Group
ERG International Group
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Investment Bank
European Stability Mechanism
Fitch Ratings
Flint Global
General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
Guardian, The
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
HM Treasury, UK
Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office
House of Commons Library
Indonesia Investment Promotion Centre London (IIPC London) 
Industry and Parliament Trust
Institute for Global Change
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)
Julius Baer International
Kekst CNC
Kennedys Law LLP
Krull Corp
Kyodo News
League of Arab States
Mangart Capital 
Marubeni Europe plc
Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.
Mitsui & Co Europe plc
Mo Ibrahim Foundation
Mott MacDonald
NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation
Nikkei Inc
Olayan Group, The
ORB International
Permira Advisers LLP
Prudential plc
QBE European Operations
Rokos Capital Management
Rolls-Royce plc
Russell Reynolds Associates Ltd
Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnerships, The
Sportradar Group AG
S-RM Intelligence and Risk Consulting
Standard Chartered Bank
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Sumitomo Corporation Europe
Suntory Europe plc
System Capital Management
Tancredi Group
Tata Ltd
Telegraph Media Group
Temasek Holdings
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd
Trade Data Monitor
Tullow Oil plc
UK Defence Solutions Centre
Wellcome Trust 
Zero Waste - Scotland

NGO members

Aga Khan Foundation (UK)
AHF Europe
Aldaae Party
Carbon Trust, The
Coalition for Global Prosperity
Elders Foundation, The
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Council of Beverages Associations – Asia Pacific Regional Group
International Rescue Committee
Internet Society, The
Islamic Relief Worldwide



Médecins Sans Frontières – UK
Oversight Board UK
Qatar Centre for Peace and Democracy
Responsible Jewellery Council
Royal Society, The
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)



Embassies, high commissions and representative offices

Algeria, Embassy of
Angola, Embassy of the Republic of
Armenia, Embassy of the Republic of
Australia, High Commission of
Austria, Embassy of
Azerbaijan, Embassy of the Republic of
Bahrain, Embassy of the Kingdom of
Belgium, Embassy of
Brazil, Embassy of
Brunei Darussalam High Commission
Canada, High Commission of
Chile, Embassy of
China, Embassy of the People’s Republic of
Costa Rica, Embassy of
Croatia, Embassy of the Republic of
Cyprus, High Commission for the Republic of
Czech Republic, Embassy of the
Denmark, Royal Embassy of
Egypt, Embassy of the Arab Republic of
Estonia, Embassy of the Republic of
Finland, Embassy of
France, Embassy of
Georgia, Embassy of
Germany, Embassy of the Federal Republic of
Government of Gibraltar
Greece, Embassy of
Hungary, Embassy of
Iceland, Embassy of
India, High Commission of
Indonesia, Embassy of the Republic of
Iraq, Embassy of the Republic of
Ireland, Embassy of
Israel, Embassy of
Italy, Embassy of
Japan, Embassy of
Jordan, Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of

Kazakhstan, Embassy of the Republic of
Korea, Embassy of the Republic of
Kosovo, Embassy of the Republic of
Kurdistan Regional Government UK Representation
Kuwait, Embassy of the State of
Latvia, Embassy of the Republic of
Lithuania, Embassy of the Republic of
Luxembourg, Embassy of
Mexico, Embassy of
Moldova, Embassy of the Republic of
Mongolia, Embassy of
Mozambique, High Commission for the Republic of
Netherlands, Embassy of the Kingdom of the
New Zealand, High Commission of
Norway, Royal Embassy of
Oman, Embassy of the Sultanate of
Pakistan, High Commission for the Islamic Republic of
Poland, Embassy of the Republic of
Portugal, Embassy of
Qatar, Embassy of the State of
Quebec Government Office
Romania, Embassy of
Saudi Arabia, Embassy of the Royal Kingdom of
Scottish Government
Serbia, Embassy of the Republic of
Singapore, High Commission for the Republic of
Slovak Republic, Embassy of the
Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of
South Africa, High Commission for the Republic of
Spain, Embassy of
Sweden, Embassy of
Switzerland, Embassy of
Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom
Tanzania, High Commission of the United Republic of
Timor-Leste, Embassy of
Tunisia, Embassy of
Turkey, Embassy of the Republic of
Ukraine, Embassy of
United Arab Emirates, Embassy of the
United States of America, Embassy of the
Vietnam, Embassy of the Socialist Republic of
Yemen, Embassy of the Republic of


Academic members

Anglia Ruskin University - Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
King’s College London - Department of War Studies
London School of Economics - Department of International Relations
Loughborough University - Academy for Diplomacy & International Governance
Nanyang Technological University - S Rajaratnam School of International Studies
Northeastern University 
Pioneer International University - School of Development and Strategic Studies
Queen Mary University of London - School of Politics and International Relations
Regent’s University London - Department of International Relations
Royal College of Defence Studies
School of Politics and Economics, King’s College London
United Nations University - MERIT
University College London - Department of Political Science
University of Buckingham - Department of Economics and International Studies
University of Notre Dame
University of Westminster - Department of Politics and International Relations