In Conversation with Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown provides his perspectives on the unprecedented challenges of 2020 and some of the most pressing questions for today’s global leaders.

Members event, Webinar
8 December 2020 — 12:00PM TO 1:00PM

This year has thrown unprecedented challenges at global leaders. The pandemic continues to cost lives and livelihoods and threatens to leave a grim long-term legacy of corporate insolvencies, high unemployment and escalating debt problems in emerging and developing economies.

More positively, recent news on the development of new vaccines gives cause for hope. The election of president-elect Biden has also increased the prospects for international cooperation and changed the calculus on issues like climate change and future global health threats.

This event is an opportunity to gain perspective on 2020’s unprecedented challenges through the eyes of a world leader who led the UK through the global financial crisis of 2008-09. This conversation explores pressing questions for today’s global leadership.

  • Which interventions are most promising to address current economic hardship?

  • How should the advanced countries deal with their own accumulated debt and support the developing world?

  • What are the prospects for greater international cooperation to address the COVID-19 pandemic itself and build the economy?

  • And what will the new US administration mean for Brexit and the US-UK ‘special relationship’?

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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