Crisis in the international order

Why societies are challenging the international order?

Members event, Panel Recording
23 January 2023 — 6:00PM TO 7:00PM
Chatham House and Online

crisis in the international order

Major global challenges, including the climate, refugee crises and the global pandemic, are increasingly revealing shortcomings in our international system and are bringing to the forefront calls for a more just world. But what is justice?

Calls for justice come in many forms and from many directions – from the fair distribution of resources to the recognition of indigenous rights. While for some there is consensus on the importance of multilateral cooperation to tackle global issues, there is a sharp North/South divide at the centre of debates on issues such as the climate crisis, racial justice, and international law. Countries from the global South are demanding more equitable and redistributive solutions, for example in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, while the Global North seek the status quo.

North/South division slows progress on reform. Some political actors are starting to challenge the very foundations of our global order, a move that could dramatically change the global system as we know it.

Key questions to consider include:

  • Why are there tensions between the global North and South?

  • How can these issues be addressed?

  • Does the global North ‘owe’ the global South some form of justice? Which form of justice?

  • If these issues are not addressed, what are the implications for the current international order?

This event is held in conjunction with International Affairs.

As with all members events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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