Economic Innovations: New Ideas for a Troubled Economy

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the global economy in a number of ways but economic innovations could offer solutions.

Members event, Webinar
18 November 2020 — 4:00PM TO 5:00PM

The COVID-19 pandemic has already had a devastating impact on the global economy. The second waves of infection underway in Europe and the US have added further to uncertainty. In addition, there is a strong possibility in 2021 of rising corporate insolvencies, mass unemployment and debt problems in emerging and developing economies and the pandemic has deepened economic and social inequalities within and between countries too. But there are also new opportunities arising from the accelerated adoption of new digital technologies and world leaders are asking how we can ‘build back better’ or achieve a ‘global reset’.

In advance of this year’s G20 summit under the Saudi presidency on 21 and 22 November 2020, this webinar considers economic policy innovations that could help support the global economy on the difficult road ahead.

  • Should we accelerate moves to a circular economy moving away from resource extraction?

  • What new economic policy theories and approaches should we entertain?

  • And how might these and other innovations help us address more effectively pre-coronavirus issues such as social and economic inequality?

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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