Revitalizing Resilience

Lord Martin Rees and Dr Megumi Muto unpack the requirements for resilience-planning for governments and societies across the world.

Members event, Webinar
8 December 2020 — 9:00AM TO 10:00AM

The COVID-19 pandemic has renewed interest in resilience as a transformative force for future-proofing international, regional, national and local policies. Indeed some of the most developed countries have been the most vulnerable to the global health outbreak. However, a number of countries, cities, companies and communities that better understood their vulnerabilities and acted proactively to find remedies and solutions stayed ahead of the curve in response and recovery. Why is this and what can be learnt from it?  

This webinar unpacks the requirements for resilience-planning for governments and societies across the world.

  • What are the key aspects and indicators of resilience today?

  • To what extent can resilience-planning provide an effective route for risk prevention alongside cure and adaptation strategies?

  • And how can political leaders deliver greater public understanding and support for the concept of resilience?

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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