Sustaining the response: Vaccine access, diplomacy and soft power

How is the effort to ensure global access to vaccines progressing?

Members event, Panel Recording
28 April 2021 — 2:00PM TO 3:00PM

Sustaining the response: Vaccine access, diplomacy and soft power

— How is the effort to ensure global access to vaccines, both through the WHO-backed COVAX facility and beyond it, progressing?

Ten rich countries are responsible for 75 per cent of all doses of coronavirus vaccines administered globally while around 130 countries have had no access to vaccines at all.

Having secured the lion’s share of the world’s vaccine, powerful countries including China, the UAE, and India are beginning to redistribute vaccines to countries where they seek influence. Meanwhile, the West is broadly accused of hoarding vaccines at the expense of developing countries.

To discuss challenges to access and the rise of vaccine diplomacy, Emma Ross and Professor David Heymann are joined by Professor Helen Rees and Professor David Ellwood:

  • How is the effort to ensure global access to vaccines, both through the WHO-backed COVAX facility and beyond it, progressing?

  • Can timely and affordable globally equitable access be achieved without considering a different approach to intellectual property rights?

  • And have COVID-19 vaccines become the newest diplomatic currency?

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