Thinking out Loud: What does the world want from the UK?

Join fellow members and John Kampfner to discuss the UK’s role in the world.

Members event
16 June 2022 — 6:00PM TO 6:45PM
Chatham House 10 St James’s Square London SW1Y 4LE United Kingdom

Have you ever wondered how Chatham House researchers approach the big ideas that become research? Do you enjoy meeting other Chatham House members and engaging with questions that open your mind?

‘Thinking out Loud’ is a new event series from Chatham House. It invites a small group of members to a live, unscripted discussion with a Chatham House researcher. This in-person event is a way for researchers and members to think out loud to help shape ideas for future research.

John Kampfner, Executive Director of the UK in the World Project at Chatham House, will pose discussion questions about what the world wants from the UK:

  • How can the UK support the international order and promote liberal values?

  • How should the UK contribute to international security, particularly in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

  • What does British ‘soft power’ look like in a hard power world?

  • What do the UK’s global partners want from Britain, in an increasingly fractured world?

  • How should the UK support global resilience, particularly on climate change and health?

Join this event to engage with other members on these critical questions. A short drinks reception will follow. As there are limited spaces available for this event, places will be balloted. You will be notified by noon on Tuesday 14 June if you have been successful in securing a place.

As with all Chatham House member events, questions from members drive the conversation. This event is part of Chatham House’s ongoing work on the UK’s role in the world.

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A member takes the opportunity to ask the panel a question at our event on the digital revolution.
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