Who controls the internet?

A panel including Dame Wendy Hall and Sir Jeremy Fleming, Director GCHQ, discuss the geopolitics of internet governance with other leading experts.

Members event, Panel Recording
6 October 2021 — 1:00PM TO 2:00PM

Who controls the internet? - highlights

— A panel including Dame Wendy Hall and Sir Jeremy Fleming, Director GCHQ, discuss the geopolitics of internet governance with other leading experts.

The internet shapes contemporary politics. The balance of power between governments, corporations and civil society will determine the future of the open internet as each is vying for a version of the web that follows its values and vision.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of the internet as a critical infrastructure for governments, organisations and individuals to work together.

At the same time accelerated digital transformation is putting pressure on cohesive internet governance and security. But despite its growing influence, the internet is not as stable as it may appear.

The panellists discuss the geopolitics of governing cyberspace and the difficulty of balancing social and cultural differences around internet use.

  • There are many different political views of how the internet should be governed, but who is the arbiter?

  • How should new technologies such as AI and the Internet of Things be regulated?

  • Has a lack of internet governance fragmented it into a ‘splinternet’?

This event is part of Chatham House’s ongoing work on the Future of Conflict.

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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A member takes the opportunity to ask the panel a question at our event on the digital revolution.
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