Global Forum on Forest Governance Number 29

The forum includes sessions on progress in forest sector transparency and accountability.

Research event Recording
1 July 2019 TO 2 July 2019 — 8:30AM TO 5:00PM
Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Forest governance is vital for the sustainable management of forests and to enable the legal timber trade. This event provides an opportunity for stakeholders from across the forest sector including from government, industry and civil society to discuss the latest developments from around the world in improving forest governance.

The annual two-day event, previously known as the Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation Meeting, includes sessions on progress in forest sector transparency and accountability, next steps for implementing the EU-Honduras VPA, how timber licensing is supporting forest enforcement, interactions between forest legality and deforestation initiatives and efforts to promote gender equality in forest policy processes.

La gobernanza es importante para el manejo sostenible de bosques y para permitir el comercio legal de madera. Este evento da la oportunidad a partes interesadas en todo el sector forestal, incluyendo gobiernos, industria y sociedad civil, a discutir los últimos avances en la gobernanza forestal en el mundo.

El evento incluirá sesiónes que tratan del progreso en terminos de transparencia y responsabilidad en el sector forestal, próximos pasos para la implementación del Acuerdo Voluntario (VPA) entre Honduras y la UE, como las licencias estan apoyando la aplicación de leyes, las relaciones entre la legaldad e iniciativas para la deforestación, y esfuerzos para promover la igualdad del genero en procesos políticos.

Agenda (PDF, 0.16MB)

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