Research event What is the future of cross-border data flows? Navigating long-standing tensions and newfound difficulties for unlocking shared prosperity among modern, digital economies.
Research event Islamic radicalisation in Central Asia Experts analyse rising foreign recruitment, current counter-radicalisation efforts and challenge past Chatham House predictions made of the Central Asia region.
Research event Making the circular economy work for global development: how the UN Summit of the Future can deliver This policy roundtable focusses on how to advance implementation of a global approach and collaboration to an inclusive circular economy for an updated post-2030 SDG framework.
Research event Labour Party Conference - Boosting the UK’s role in global health and development Join Chatham House, GSK and UNICEF UK at the Labour Party Conference this September.
Research event Labour Party Conference - In conversation: Labour’s foreign policy in action This ‘in conversation’ session with a senior UK government figure will unpack Britain’s approach to foreign policy in 2024 and beyond.
Research event Labour Party Conference - Securing Britain’s trading relationships for the future Join Chatham House and Getlink Group (Eurotunnel) at the Labour Party Conference this September.
Research event How can young people in MENA thrive despite economic and political insecurity? Experts share insights on how young people navigate challenges and find opportunities in a changing domestic and regional landscape.
Research event Conservative Party Conference - In conversation: Navigating Britain’s role in the development landscape Join Chatham House and UNICEF UK at the Conservative Party Conference this October.
Research event Conservative Party Conference - Securing Britain’s trading relationships for the future Join Chatham House at the Conservative Party Conference this October.