The World Today Turkey finds that trouble knows no bounds Collapse in Syria and a Kurdish reawakening are posing challenges for Ankara
The World Today Sectarian pressures are tearing up the Sykes-Picot map Lines in the sand are blown away
The World Today Q&A: A grass-roots view of the Syrian uprising Abdulkader al-Dhon, 27, was a student when the Syrian uprising started. For the past two years he has travelled the country to help reporters and human rights groups make sense of the crisis
The World Today Iraq can't avoid contagion Syria’s civil war is exacerbating tension between Iraqi factions
The World Today Dicing with death penalties in Indonesia The ramifications at home of protecting citizens abroad
The World Today Britain needs to think bigger Looking at structural problems that can blinker academic innovation
The World Today Blurring the borders The Syrian conflict is entering a more dangerous phase. What started as a peaceful protest has created a zone of instability from the Mediterranean to the Iranian frontier, enveloping Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.
The World Today Callum Macrae, documentary-maker The film-maker talks about campaigning journalism and how he plans to follow up his documentary, Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields
The World Today The Kremlin is not just a one-man band Time for a closer look at the cast of players who rule Russia in the shadow of Putin
The World Today Justice should prosecute beyond the bounds of Africa The ICC has a blind spot which is crippling its credibility
The World Today St Helena ready for take off A mountain-top airport is about to change island life forever
The World Today Unfair Obama bashing Vali Nasr, The Dispensable Nation: American Foreign Policy in Retreat (Doubleday £19.00)
The World Today Iran’s nuclear fallout Geoffrey Robertson Mullahs Without Mercy: Human Rights and Nuclear Weapons (Biteback, £20)Peter Oborne and David Morrison A Dangerous Delusion: Why the West is Wrong about Nuclear Iran (Elliott and Thompson, £8.99)
The World Today Cairo’s first revolution June 18, 1953: Sixty years on, Egypt is still struggling to define itself
The World Today The rich life or the good life? Kishore Mahbubani The Great Convergence: Asia, the West, and the Logic of One World (Public Affairs £17.99)Andrew Simms Cancel The Apocalypse (Little, Brown £13.99)
The World Today Can culture heal the wounds of the Troubles? As G8 leaders meet for the first time in Northern Ireland, Bruce Clark visits the divided city of Derry-Londonderry to find out if culture can effect reconciliation after decades of violence
The World Today Venezuela's bad loser syndrome After a narrow defeat, the opposition is in danger of heading down a strategic cul de sac