Analysing Donald Trump’s America, Michael Kimmel chronicles the links between women finding their voice and men – at least in the lower-middle and working classes – losing their sense of self-worth. But he notes that the rage of the white male is often misdirected: it is not women who have destroyed the clubby 1950s world of male privilege, but the globalized economy that swallowed up their well-paid jobs.
In the Middle East, writes Shereen El Feki, male nostalgia for a half-remembered past is even more acute. Young Arab males today are more conservative than their fathers, while women are better educated and more progressive than their mothers, storing up trouble at home and in the work place.
In the course of two years, the purpose of European foreign aid has changed radically. Marissa Quie and Hameed Hakimi describe how aid has been skewed away from development to preventing the influx of migrants.