Contribute to The World Today

The magazine seeks to provide timely and fresh insights for governments, businesses, the media and NGOs, while broadening the reach of Chatham House to schools and universities. Learn how you can contribute.

Contributors should aim for a style which makes complex subjects intelligible to the interested general reader while offering fresh perspectives to experts. Authors should eschew think-tank jargon.

Proposals for articles should be sent to the Editor who should a reply within a week. Feature articles should be original and typically 1200-1500 words in length. We also have spaces for concise articles of 800 words. Occasionally, we can accommodate longer reads up to 2000 words. 

Articles are accepted on the basis that they will be edited for style and length to fit the magazine format. Due to space constraints in the magazine, some articles maybe be published online only. Proofs will be sent out in advance of publication for checking.

The World Today is not an academic journal and we do not use footnotes in the magazine. Where a source is important it should be indicated in the text in a such way that a curious reader can find the reference.

The magazine normally expects contributors to cede copyright of their contributions.