Abbreviations and Acronyms
AA: EU–Ukraine Association Agreement
AA-DCFTA: EU–Ukraine Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement
AMC: Anti-Monopoly Committee
AMRO: Asset Management and Recovery Office
ATM: Autonomous Trade Measures
ATO: Anti-Terrorist Operation
ATP: Autonomous Trade Preferences
BPP: Bloc of Petro Poroshenko
CEC: Central Electoral Commission
CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States
CPLR: Centre of Policy and Legal Reform
CSO: civil society organization
DCFTA: Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement
DG NEAR: European Commission Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
DPR: Donetsk People’s Republic
EFF: Extended Fund Facility
EIB: European Investment Bank
EUAM: European Union Advisory Mission to Ukraine
FTA: free-trade agreement
GDP: gross domestic product
GOEI: Governmental Office for European Integration
HQCJ: High Qualification Commission of Judges
IDP: internally displaced person
IMF: International Monetary Fund
LPR: Luhansk People’s Republic
MEDT: Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
MP: member of parliament
MOD: Ministry of Defence
MOF: Ministry of Finance
NABU: National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine
NAPC: National Agency for Prevention of Corruption
NBU: National Bank of Ukraine
NGO: non-governmental organization
NTU: National TV and Radio Broadcasting Company
OLAF: European Anti-Fraud Agency [Office européen de lutte antifraude]
ORDLO: Separate Districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts (Regions)
OSCE: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
PCA: Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
PGO: Prosecutor General’s Office
PIC: Public Integrity Council
PPP: purchasing-power parity
RPR: Reanimation Package of Reforms
SAPO: Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office
SBI: State Bureau of Investigation
SBU: Security Service of Ukraine
SFS: State Fiscal Service
SGUA: Support Group for Ukraine
SMEs: small and medium-sized enterprises
SOE: state-owned enterprise
UKROP: Association of Patriots of Ukraine
USAID: United States Agency for International Development