Special thanks go to Ilian Iliev (EcoMachines Ventures/CambridgeIP) and Harry Miller (CambridgeIP) for their invaluable research and data analysis.
Thanks also go to Julia Reinaud (European Climate Foundation), Mark Tyrer (University of Coventry), Andy West (University of Coventry), Karen Scrivener (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Habert Guillaume (ETHZ), John Provis (University of Sheffield) and Alan Maries (AMSTaR Consultancy) for their early review and reflections on our patent search methodology and approach. Many thanks go to Simon Wolf (European Climate Foundation), Julia Reinaud (European Climate Foundation), Tomas Wyns (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Martin Porter (European Climate Foundation), Rannveig van Iterson (European Climate Foundation), Romain Ioualalen (European Climate Foundation), Rob Bailey (Chatham House), Bernice Lee (Hoffmann Centre for Sustainable Resource Economy), Simone Cooper-Searle (Hoffmann Centre for Sustainable Resource Economy), John Provis (University of Sheffield), Kira West (IEA), Andrew Minson (Mineral Products Association), Philippe Fonta (Cement Sustainability Initiative), Martyn Kenny (Tarmac), Claude Lorea (CEMBUREAU), Elaine Toogood (Mineral Products Association), Richard Leese (Mineral Products Association), Ellis Gartner (Imperial College London) and Steven Miller (FLSmidth), and two anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier draft of the report.
This report draws on 10 semi-structured interviews conducted by the authors between January and March 2017. We are very grateful for the insights of those who participated in those interviews.
We are very grateful for the insights of those who participated in our workshop on Low Carbon Innovation in Cement and Concrete, held in London on 12 May 2017.
We are grateful to our editors Jake Statham and Mike Tsang for their enthusiastic and meticulous editing of the report and for all of their feedback and support throughout the process. Thanks also go to Nick Capeling, Adam Cohen, Nina Black, Lisa Toremark, Thomas Farrer, Gitika Bhardwaj, Jessica Pow and Jason Naselli for their help with the launch; and to Autumn Forecast at Soapbox for her work on the design and production of the report.
A number of members of the Chatham House Energy, Environment and Resources department – both staff and interns – provided research and administrative support throughout the process: first and foremost, Catherine Hampton; together with Ruth Quinn, Gemma Green, Ying Qin, Thomas Ringheim, Sean Alexander, Elena Bignami and Sofia Palazzo Corner.
Finally, thanks go to the European Climate Foundation/i24c for their generous support of this research.