About the Authors
Duncan Brack is an independent environmental policy analyst, an associate fellow of Chatham House and an associate of Green Alliance. From 2010 to 2012, he was special adviser at the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change; before that he worked for Chatham House, and from 1998 to 2003 was head of its Sustainable Development Programme. His areas of expertise include international forestry policy, forest governance and the timber trade, climate policy, bioenergy, public procurement, the circular economy, the interaction between environmental regulation and trade rules, ozone depletion and the Montreal Protocol, and international environmental crime, particularly illegal logging and the trade in illegal timber.
James Hewitt is an independent consultant specializing in global markets for products that derive from forests or recently deforested land and the strategic analysis of related supply chains, focussing on legality and sustainability.
Tina Marie Marchand is a senior researcher with expertise on climate and energy policy and politics. She currently works at the climate change think-tank E3G focusing on climate diplomacy and the political economy of the low-carbon transition. Prior to this, she worked at Chatham House supporting the Moving Energy Initiative (MEI) and research on biomass energy within the European context. She has also worked on energy access issues and traditional uses of biomass energy in Southeast Asia for the international non-governmental organization GERES (Groupe Energies Renouvables, Environnement et Solidarités), where she led research and advocacy activities for a global clean cooking energy programme. Tina also has experience working on Canada’s Environmental Assessment (EA) programme.