About the Editors
Germana Canzi
Germana is a freelance writer and consultant. She started her career as a journalist at Euromoney, Petroleum Argus and Dow Jones Newswires, before writing for the Wall Street Journal. She later worked for NGOs and think-tanks, devising and managing a variety of UK and international research projects, including a high-profile report to support the establishment of the 2009 UK Climate Change Act. She has also worked as a communication consultant to help various organizations boost global media coverage of the Paris Agreement and related issues, such as climate-related risks to the financial system. She holds an MSc from the London School of Economics and a Magna Cum Laude first degree in Political Science from Milan State University.
Amanda Burton
Amanda Burton does freelance work on energy and climate change developments. She has 20 years’ experience in the sector, starting with reporting on the energy markets first for Petroleum Argus and subsequently Heren Energy. After a freelance assignment on energy developments in India, she took an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College. She has since worked on investment opportunities in renewable energy for the European Wind Energy Association, as a policy officer and as a senior research analyst for Energy Intelligence Group and was later a research manager for Interfax Global Energy Services.