Drawing on the transition experiences of Central and Eastern European members can help shape the EU’s approach to its relations with Africa in ways that better meet the goal of an equal partnership.
Despite challenges across all policy areas, the engagement of EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe in sub-Saharan Africa presents significant opportunities. In an increasingly complex global environment, multilateral alliances are key for maintaining a global community of states that share the values of the EU. And not least in the context of a changing transatlantic partnership, EU relations with African states become all the more salient. Central and Eastern European member states can help enable a stronger and more genuine partnership between the two regions.
As already noted, EU delegations can and do support member states in forging connections with partners in Africa. However, if the EU aims to have a more robust engagement with African countries, then that role must be expanded to include different formal and informal ways of working together, including joint representation, that would enable Central and Eastern European member states to build a greater presence in African countries. Furthermore, the EU’s European External Action Service – the bloc’s diplomatic service – could implement special programmes targeting diplomats, academics, civil society workers and students from Central and Eastern European member states (as well as other members that want to expand their relations with African partners) for placements, internships, etc., related to its work with Africa. Such initiatives would help increase expertise among participating states and boost the potential for participating states’ ongoing engagement with Africa. Increasing Central and Eastern European member states’ capacity to engage with African regional organizations could also help build opportunities for relationship-building, alongside engagement at bilateral level through the countries’ own diplomatic institutions or via EU delegations.
Given the period of relative disengagement since the early 1990s, shoring up diplomatic capacity is not, by itself, enough to achieve the deep mutual understanding and high-level political commitment that are essential to building productive and sustainable relations between Central and Eastern European and African states. Political dialogue, the forging of agreements, memorandums of understanding and sectoral cooperation, as well as establishing a network of honorary consulates, are all important factors that can help countries to reconnect and better understand each other’s perspectives, hopes and needs. Furthermore, sustained partnerships between research and education, media, business, youth organizations, and national and local authorities all have a key role to play.
Ensuring consistency in political relations between Central and Eastern European states and Africa will also be contingent on finding areas of common interest, most pressingly on migration, trade and investment.
Ensuring consistency in political relations between Central and Eastern European states and Africa will also be contingent on finding areas of common interest, most pressingly on migration, trade and investment. The internal politics of Central and Eastern European countries demand a focus on migration, which is also a key area of interest for sub-Saharan African countries given critical issues that are often in tension with one another, such as remittances and concerns about the loss of highly skilled workers to more advanced economies. Job creation in sub-Saharan Africa can play an important role in addressing strategic concerns for both continents.
Furthermore, the EU is faced with development challenges in many of its own regions – notably including Central and Eastern Europe – and can engage in a more equal partnership with its African partners by bringing together EU and African communities that share similar development challenges with the aim of fostering different forms of ‘co-development’. This could establish an equal footing for collaboration, as well as form a bridge between the EU’s external and internal policies and funding instruments, and could enable newer member states to play a meaningful role in the EU’s engagement with African partners. Such an approach would also enable the development of capacity for engagement within Africa and Central and Eastern Europe alike, and would counter the perception among Central and Eastern European member states that the EU, in the words of one interview subject, ‘has never been interested in helping us build such capacity [for engaging with African countries]’.
Despite criticism regarding the relevance of Central and Eastern European transition experiences, they are seen by many, from both regions, as important. According to one interviewee, ‘The transition experience is really relevant, through conversation with people, they themselves felt they learnt so much, we are not using it enough.’ Central and Eastern European member states, as well as EU institutions, should design better mechanisms for making the transition experience more visible and available for potentially interested sub-Saharan African partner countries. Showcasing past successes could make these insights more appealing, for instance the sharing of Slovakia’s devolution experience with Kenya, or the Polish experience of building the country’s first stock exchange with Ethiopia. Numerous further examples can be identified within the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Balkans.
Indeed, there are early signs that Central and Eastern European countries have started to draw on their communist-era experiences in supporting African countries. Hungary has relaunched its higher education scholarship programme, offering almost 900 scholarships annually to African countries, and collaboration in the field of education is expanding beyond offering scholarships to establishing joint degrees, including doctoral degrees, and to offering technical assistance in developing educational institutions. Interviewees from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia have all mentioned the relevance of the educational sector for bilateral relations with African countries.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Central and Eastern European countries should use their own experiences and influence within the EU to ensure that its policies and approach to the ongoing negotiations with Africa reflect the goal of an equal partnership between European and African states. Developed as part of a wider project focusing on relations between Africa and Central and Eastern Europe, this paper has argued that Central and Eastern European EU member states can play a much more relevant role in EU–Africa relations. However that will only become possible if EU institutions and Western European member states respect them as full member states rather than accession countries, and employ their past history of working with African countries, their transition experiences, and current development challenges to inform progress towards genuinely equal relations with the African continent.