Why Ukraine’s system of crony capitalism endures

John Lough outlines how Ukraine’s crony capitalism – described as ‘systema’ – is an enduring relationship between big business and the country’s political class.

Explainer Video Updated 20 July 2021 4 minute watch

Why Ukraine’s system of crony capitalism endures

— John Lough outlines how Ukraine’s crony capitalism – described as 'systema' – is an enduring relationship between big business and the country’s political class which puts their own interests before those of society.

With the absence of a strong state, manipulation of Ukraine’s public institutions continues despite reforms undertaken since independence.

Dismantling the networks of systema requires structural reform, preventive and repressive measures to curb corruption, and civic activism to hold politicians, officials, and business owners accountable.

This video supports a research paper Ukraine’s system of crony capitalism which explores how systema operates across key sectors of Ukraine’s economy, and the factors that may change the behaviour of those who benefit from crony capitalism.