Naoki Tamaki

Visiting Fellow, Environment and Society Centre

Headshot of Naoki Tamaki


Naoki Tamaki is visiting fellow with the Environment and Society programme at Chatham House.

He was director general of the New Energy and Power Finance department at the Japan Bank for International Cooperation until July 2021 where he worked on establishing Transition Finance Initiatives in ASEAN countries in cooperation with relevant ministries, companies, and banks in Asia.

In his previous positions, including more than 20 years securing Japan’s energy needs in the Middle East, he has created multi-layered relationships between energy-rich countries and Japan.

Leveraging his experience, he has also supported Japanese companies’ participation in infrastructure projects across the Middle East. His research interests include the concept of the ‘Edo Green Economy’, a circular economy established in 17th to 19th century Japan, as a solution for the global sustainability agenda.

Through his career in the Middle East, Naoki has given many lectures to Japanese businesspeople and published articles in economic magazines and newspapers about geopolitics and geoeconomics in the Middle East.

He has led multiple project finance deals for Infrastructure and petrochemical projects. Using this experience, since 2010, Naoki has taught project finance and global finance in several graduated schools and universities.

During his visiting fellowship with the Environment and Society programme, Naoki will undertake research on infrastructure development to realise a circular society. He will draw upon past knowledge, mainly from Asia, the latest technology, appropriate finance, and relevant social systems.

Read his article, How Japan is using the circular economy to recycle plastics, from

Past experience

2021 - present Senior Advisor, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
2010 - present Associate Professor, Global Finance, Business Breakthrough University
2019-21 Director General, New Energy and Power Finance Dept, JBIC
2010-21 Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University.
2014-19 Chief Representative for the Middle East (Based in Dubai), JBIC
2011-17 Lecturer, Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University
2009-14 Director, Project Finance Div (Middle East), Power and Water Finance Dept, JBIC
2007-09 MBA, London Business School
2005-09 Representative for the Middle East (Based in Dubai), JBIC
2002-05 Deputy Director, Energy Div, Project Finance Dept, JBIC
1999-2001 Manager, Business Development Dept. Bahrain Office, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (MUFG Bank)
1997-99 Studying at Arabic Language Dept, American University in Cairo
1990-94 BA in Economics, KEIO University