Corporate members: Registration is complimentary for Chatham House corporate members via our virtual conference platform.
Non-members: Participants from non-member organizations can register using the booking button above.
For cyberspace, the last decade has been one marked by rapid technological development, extensive global growth, and its ever-greater importance as part of our everyday lives. The coming decade promises to be equally significant, with the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrating both the opportunities and challenges that global society faces in the continued development of cyberspace and digital technology.
On the one hand, COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of cyberspace and digital technology to everyday life, as governments and societies seek technological solutions to the ongoing crisis, from using digital technology to help track and contain outbreaks, to trying to run national economies, at least partially, remotely. On the other, the pandemic has served to both amplify existing threats and create new vulnerabilities in the current systems, as governments struggle to effectively govern, regulate and engage with these rapidly evolving technologies.
As Chatham House celebrates its centenary year, Cyber 2020 will examine how the immediate crisis has interplayed with the broader trends in cyberspace that will shape the coming decade, and how different actors can work together to positively engage with them and foster a cyberspace that is truly global and inclusive.
How has COVID-19 pandemic both heightened and created new cybersecurity threats? How are these interplaying with broader ongoing geopolitical trends?
As technological developments allow for the gathering of increasingly sophisticated data on individuals and societies, how has the ongoing crisis highlighted the importance of effective data regulation and governance?
As the internet continues to develop as a truly global phenomenon, what are the implications of the rise of new regional players in cyberspace?
How can different actors, including civil society, work together to create an effective and inclusive common framework(s) for international cyber governance?
This conference is part of the Chatham House LIVE series and will be hosted online and on the record.
The LIVE series will bring together international audiences and enable participants to connect with peers from across the globe. Over the course of each LIVE conference, participants will be able to engage in high-level panel discussions and conversations between policymakers, business leaders and international experts. Other interactive features will include polling and live analysis of results, in addition to live question and answer sessions between participants and speakers.