Data without borders

Will an international regulatory regime protect the world’s data?

Members event, Panel
15 February 2021 — 1:00PM TO 2:00PM

Big data is on the rise and governments have fallen behind in setting global standards on its collection, storage and usage. Instead, governments are playing catch up with harnessing the technology that controls data. Both India and the UK, for example, are facing changes to the way that personal data is regulated. India is due to introduce its first personal data protection law and the UK’s exit from the European Union has the potential to disrupt EU-UK dataflows. But what does this changing landscape mean for the UK?  

In this discussion, the panellists explore how governments and businesses can negotiate a new era of international data diplomacy. Current governance trends on personal data protection are diverging: one promotes a ‘privacy preserving’ approach to free flows of data while the other advocates for national sovereignty to harness the power of data domestically. How can data governance protect individuals and businesses from the harm caused by cyber and ransomware attacks?

This event captures some of the findings from a recent simulation delivered by the International Security Programme at Chatham House of a ransomware attack disrupting international data flows between the UK and India.

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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A member takes the opportunity to ask the panel a question at our event on the digital revolution.
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