State-sponsored hostage-taking

With the international community newly united in its determination to stop conflict by human proxy, what can be done to stop countries engaging in state hostage-taking?

Members event, Panel Recording
15 September 2021 — 5:00PM TO 6:00PM

State-sponsored hostage-taking - highlights

— HIGHLIGHTS: With the international community newly united in its determination to stop conflict by human proxy, what can be done to stop countries engaging in state hostage-taking?

In February, 58 countries came together – convened by Canada – to condemn ‘arbitrary detention’ by states such as China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, which seize foreign and dual nationals as leverage against their governments back home.

This was swiftly followed by statements at the recent meeting of the G7. Cases such as that of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe are all too familiar and scores of other British, American, European and Chinese citizens have experienced a similar fate.

  • What are the right and appropriate responses to get people home?

  • What is the role of international institutions alongside national governments?

  • What can be learned from efforts to tackle other forms of hostage-taking – terrorist, economic or criminal – and comparable areas of policy?

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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