GCC economies in 2021 and beyond: Prospects and policy challenges

Representatives of the IMF, UN ESCWA, Bloomberg Economics and the American Enterprise Institute discuss prospects and challenges for GCC economies in the short and medium-term. 

Research event
10 February 2021 — 3:00PM TO 4:15PM

In December 2020, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a report which explores how Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC) and their respective authorities have been addressing the double impact of COVID-19 and lower oil prices.

The report examines near- and mid-term economic policy prospects and challenges across the GCC, as well as the structural reforms required to enhance diversification efforts, strengthen private sector-led growth, and increase job creation.

What is the economic outlook for 2021? What does COVID-19 mean for economic policy priorities in the GCC? Which structural reforms are required to galvanize private sector growth? How are governments using fiscal and monetary policy to address the twin-crises and how is this likely to develop going forward? What is the state of debt issuance across GCC countries? Which labour market reforms are likely to facilitate job creation for nationals in the private sector?

This webinar is organized by the Chatham House MENA Programme in collaboration with the IMF. It will be livestreamed on the MENA Programme Facebook page.


Tim Callen, Mission Chief for Saudi Arabia and Assistant Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department, International Monetary Fund

Ziad Daoud, Chief Emerging Markets Economist, Bloomberg Economics

Rola Dashti, Executive Secretary, UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)

Karen Young, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute

Moderator: Adel Hamaizia, Associate Fellow, Middle East and North Africa Programme, Chatham House

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