‘Our Shared Humanity’: The Legacy of Kofi Annan

This conference brings together key figures engaged in conflict prevention, humanitarian action, human rights and development to identify lessons and generate forward-looking recommendations.

Research event Recording
3 June 2019 TO 4 June 2019 — 10:00AM TO 5:30PM
Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

In a decade as UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan championed a vision of global governance anchored in shared responsibility and the rights and dignity of the individual.

Confronted with multiple global crises that raised questions about the UN’s purpose, Annan pressed for human rights and development to be at the centre of international efforts and sought to broaden participation in shaping and delivering solutions to global challenges.

As the UN’s 75th anniversary approaches, this conference will explore Annan’s legacy for the future of global governance.

Questions include the appropriate response to high-profile and ongoing failures to prevent human rights atrocities and protect victims of conflict, the impact of technology on democracy, lessons from the Millennium Development Goals for the Sustainable Development Goals and ways to meaningfully involve civil society, businesses and individuals in addressing global challenges.

The conference will bring together key figures involved in Annan’s initiatives with actors currently engaged in conflict prevention, humanitarian action, human rights and development to identify lessons and generate forward-looking recommendations.

This conference is being held as part of a series, including a public event hosted by UNA-UK at Central Hall in Westminster, exploring Kofi Annan’s legacy.

This initiative is generously supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Open Society Foundations and enjoys the cooperation of the Kofi Annan Foundation.

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Participants include

Zeinab Badawi, Presenter, BBC Global Questions and HardTalk
Lakhdar Brahimi, The Elders; Chair, Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (2000)
Alan Doss, President, Kofi Annan Foundation 
Raila Odinga, High Representative for Infrastructure Development, African Union; Prime Minister of Kenya (2008-13)
Patrick Gaspard, President, Open Society Foundations
Michèle Griffin, Senior Policy Advisor to the UN Secretary-General
Ian Martin, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in East Timor (1999), Nepal (2007-09) and Libya (2011-12)
Strive Masiyiwa, Chair of the Board, AGRA; CEO, Econet Wireless
Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations
Kumi Naidoo, Secretary-General, Amnesty International
Danny Sriskandarajah, Chief Executive, Oxfam
Mark Suzman, Chief Strategy Officer and President of Global Policy and Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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