Do you have ideas to solve some of the biggest sustainability challenges? Are you underwhelmed by traditional conferences? Are you seeking a forum for participatory ideas and discussion? Then join us for the Sustainability Accelerator Unconference.
The Sustainability Accelerator Unconference is a one-day event bringing together a range of thinkers from a wide range of backgrounds to discuss challenges and solutions to sustainability in a self-selecting participatory manner based mostly on Open Space facilitation methods.
At traditional conferences, some of the best conversations happen in the corridors and the audience have just as many ideas as the panel. In Open Space events, participants manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central theme. The Sustainability Accelerator Unconference aims to harness the collective power of all of its participants to bring new ideas to the discussion on the climate crisis.
The outcomes of this unconference are:
- A series of documented reports from the conference which are publicly accessible.
- Inspired people.
- Networking.
- New ideas on sustainability.
- Cross-fertilization from various type of thinkers who do not otherwise have the opportunity to meet.
- Experimentation of a new conference format that the policy world could learn from.