Closing the Sovereignty Gap: Making States

What makes a state and, perhaps more important, what defines failure? An index of state effectiveness might help to trigger timely assistance, and identify when intervention is necessary. The pressing need is for a new approach to state-building.

The World Today Updated 15 October 2020 4 minute READ

Only where there are stable and effective states can poverty and insecurity be dealt with in a sustainable manner. In fragile or failing states, destitution and marginalisation prevent citizens from taking part in economic and political life and large swathes of territory can fall under the control of militias.

Only functioning states can prevent territory being used for the creation and export of terror and insecurity. This has led to renewed international interest in state-building.

But what does make a state? A modern state must coherently perform ten key functions, in marked contrast to a focus on the security dimension in the nineteenth century. It should:

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