Make peace, not war

Megan MacKenzie calls for a paradigm shift in international relations that leaves violence redundant

The World Today Updated 28 September 2022 Published 4 February 2022 2 minute READ

Megan MacKenzie

Professor and Simons Chair in International Law and Human Security, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia 

War has been called a ‘man’s game’ and Martin van Creveld, the Israeli military historian, once described combat as ‘the highest proof of manhood’. 

When it comes to studying wars, many disciplines focus on predicting, measuring and strategizing war and violence, but not on how to end it. These approaches have often equated security with the protection of national borders and ignored the expansive and long-term impacts of war and political violence. 

Historically, those interested in peace and the possibility of ending war have been relegated to separate academic disciplines from war and security studies, including peace and development studies. In turn, those focused on peace and ending violence have sometimes been looked upon by security and war professionals as inexpert, yet well-meaning activists who do not fully understand the serious complexities of warfare and international security. 

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