About the Authors
Felix Preston was a senior research fellow and deputy research director in the Energy, Environment and Resources Department at Chatham House. He has published on issues spanning low-carbon transition, green innovation, resource governance and low-probability, high-impact events. He has a long-standing research interest in sustainable transition in China, and facilitated the China–UK Bilateral Forum on Reform and Innovation. Prior to joining Chatham House, Felix worked as a senior consultant at AEA Energy and Environment.
Johanna Lehne was a research associate in the Energy, Environment and Resources Department at Chatham House. Johanna joined Chatham House in 2015. Her research includes the circular economy, low-carbon innovation in the built environment, chokepoints in global food trade, low-carbon development, resource use in China and energy for displaced populations.
Laura Wellesley is a research fellow in the Energy, Environment and Resources Department at Chatham House. Her work focuses on sustainable diets, food security and climate change, and her publications span the areas of healthy and sustainable food systems, global food trade risks, agricultural commodity supply chains and trade in illegal timber. Laura joined Chatham House in 2013 as a project coordinator, later becoming research associate in 2014 and research fellow in 2017. Laura is also a member of the London Food Board.
Contributing author
Mahesh Sugathan is an independent consultant based in Geneva, Switzerland. His work is focused on trade policy and WTO rules, the environment, climate change and sustainable energy. Mahesh was formerly senior research fellow at the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, and has also consulted for various international organizations including the World Bank South Asia office, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), International Trade Centre (ITC), UNCTAD, UNEP and the ACP Secretariat in Brussels.