This briefing note is the result of a collaborative research process with the Zimbabwean private sector, government representatives, industry organizations and experts, drawing on best practice and senior-level insights to identify policy options for long-term economic revival and expansion in Zimbabwe, and pathways for inclusive development.
About the Chatham House Africa Programme
The Africa Programme develops policy oriented research on issues affecting individual states of Africa, their international relations and the continent as a whole. A reputation for independence and influence enables Africa Programme research to impact on policy, in support of building a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world. Since its establishment in 2002, the Africa Programme has become a world-leading centre for independent policy research and debate on Africa’s politics and socio-economic change. By working with the best international experts, the programme is a hub for thought leadership on Africa, producing reliable analysis and disseminating findings globally through its convening power and extensive networks.
For more information please contact:
- Tighisti Amare, Assistant Head, Africa Programme, Chatham House
- T: +44 (0) 20 7527 5718
- E: [email protected] | @AfricaProg