Elizabeth Wilmshurst CMG KC

Distinguished Fellow, International Law Programme


Elizabeth Wilmshurst CMG was a legal adviser in the United Kingdom diplomatic service between 1974 and 2003. Between 1994 and 1997 she was the Legal Adviser to the UK mission to the United Nations in New York.

She took part in the negotiations for the establishment of the International Criminal Court. Her experience has been in public international law generally, with a particular emphasis on the use of force, international criminal law, the law of the United Nations and its organs, consular and diplomatic law, State and sovereign immunity, international humanitarian law.

Past experience

2014-present Distinguished Fellow, International Law, Chatham House
2005-2014 Associate Fellow, International Law, Chatham House
2003-2012 Visiting Professor, University College, London University
1999-Apr 2003 Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign & Commonwealth Office
1994-1999 Legal Counsellor at United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations, New York, then in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office
1990-1994 Legal Counsellor, Foreign & Commonwealth Office
1986-1990 Assistant Legal Adviser, then Legal Counsellor, Attorney General’s Office
1974-1986 Assistant Legal Adviser, then Legal Counsellor at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
1972 Lecturer, Bristol University