Michael Bradshaw

Associate Fellow, Environment and Society Centre

Headshot of Michael Bradshaw


Professor Bradshaw’s academic background is in human geography. He competed his undergraduate training at the University of Birmingham (BSc) and he has an MA from the University of Calgary (Alberta). He gained his PhD at the University of British Columbia. He works at the interface between economic and political geography, business and management and international relations. 

His past research on the geopolitical economy of global energy examined the role of foreign investment in Russia’s oil and gas industry (with a focus on Sakhalin); global energy dilemmas and the interrelationship between energy security, climate change and economic globalization; and the challenges to the UK’s gas security.

From 1998 to 2009 he was an associate fellow on Chatham House’s Russia and Eurasia Programme. He is the author of Global Energy Dilemmas (2014), co-editor of Global Energy: Issues, Potentials and Policy Implications (2015), and co-author of Energy and Society: A Critical Perspective (2018) and Natural Gas (2020, Polity Press).

He was a co-director of Phase 4 of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and led a theme on UK Energy in a Global Context (2019-2024). Recently he was seconded to Shell Scenarios as a senior scenario planner (2022-24). His current research explores the geopolitics of energy system transformation, with a particular focus on fossil-fuel phase down.

Past experience

2014-present    Professor of Global Energy, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
2022-2024Senior Scenario Planner, Shell Scenarios, Shell PLC.
2019-2024Co-Director, UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
2000-2013Professor of Human Geography, University of Leicester
2008-2011 Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship
1999-2000Reader, School of Geography, University of Birmingham
1998-2009    Associate Fellow, Russian and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House
1996-1999    Senior Lecturer, School of Geography, University of Birmingham
1992-1996    Lecturer, School of Geography, University of Birmingham
1988-1992    Research Fellow, School of Geography, University of Birmingham