Can Europe lead on climate action?

This panel considers the potential for Europe to lead on climate action ahead of COP26.

Members event, Panel
22 January 2021 — 11:00AM TO 12:15PM

On 1 November 2021, the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) will take place in Glasgow – a year after it was originally scheduled. Governments, campaigners and climate experts will share plans to cut carbon emissions and discuss the major scientific, diplomatic and economic challenges in reaching a climate-neutral world.

The panellists at this event consider Europe’s potential for leading an ambitious effort to curb the effects of climate change:

  • Is Europe in a position to act collectively on climate change?

  • Can differences in approach be overcome in order to ensure resources are sufficiently allocated towards climate action?

  • And, given the ongoing pandemic and pressing concerns such as vaccine distribution and economic recovery, how ambitious can COP26 realistically be?

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

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