How Concerning Is the New Coronavirus Outbreak?

Professor Heymann has been advising the organization on its response to the coronavirus and outlines the key facts relating to this outbreak as well as on the challenges it poses.

Members event, Panel Recording
26 February 2020 — 1:00PM TO 2:00PM
Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

An outbreak of a new coronavirus first reported in Wuhan, China has so far spread to dozens of countries, led to tens of thousands of confirmed cases and almost 2,000 deaths.

The World Health Organization has declared the situation a global health emergency thereby prompting questions from around the world about how worried the public should be and how can governments, media, civil society and the global health community best tackle new infectious disease outbreaks?

  • What do we know – and what do we not know – about this coronavirus at the moment?

  • What lessons learned from previous outbreaks have been applied – and not applied – to this outbreak?

  • How can governments and the media balance public awareness and the risk of panic?

  • And what measures can be taken to reduce the risk of stigma and discrimination of populations during this and other outbreaks?

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