Reflecting on US defence strategy

In conversation with Dr Colin H. Kahl, US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.

Members event, Panel Recording
10 July 2023 — 11:00AM TO 12:00PM
Chatham House and Online

Event video

The United States National Defense Strategy identified China as the ‘pacing challenge’ and Russia as an ‘acute threat.’

The war in Ukraine is now well into its second year and future US policy towards Ukraine and also Russia is top of the policy agenda.

As tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, war rages in Ukraine, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence alter the context of major power competition, how should US defence policy evolve?

Key questions this event will discuss include:

  • How can the US adapt its strategy and technology to manage China’s rise?

  • What are the implications of Russia’s war in Ukraine for US defence strategy and how may this impact the US role in NATO?

  • How are US partnerships and alliances evolving?

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

A networking reception will follow this event.

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