Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: How it changed the world

Chatham House experts examine how the world has changed since 24 February 2022.

Members event, Panel Recording
21 February 2023 — 6:00PM TO 7:00PM
Chatham House and Online

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: How it changed the world

— Chatham House experts examine how the world has changed since 24 February 2022.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine prompted serious soul-searching about European security, what it means to be European and the futures of the two principal protagonists. However, practical questions have developed throughout the war in surprising ways.

Chatham House is producing a multi-author feature reflecting on seven things Russia’s war has changed in the world. The article assesses the impact of the war one year on, the long-term changes this has catalyzed and unpacks why these changes are significant for the future of international affairs.

This event examines key themes with the research directors who authored the piece. Alliances, national resiliency for both Ukraine and Russia and sanctions are examined including the following questions:

  • How did the war change Ukraine?

  • What alliances have been forged over the past year? 

  • How long can ‘fortress Russia’ weather the storm and what has it revealed about Russia’s integration into the international system? 

  • What have countries done to mitigate the impact on supply chains and markets? Who, for example, has been most affected by the grain crisis?

  • What have we learnt about Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky that we didn’t know before 24 February 2022?

As with all members events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

Read more about how the war impacted global events in our feature on the Seven ways Russia’s war on Ukraine has changed the world.

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